Our Success Depends On Delivering For You

Seeking Justice After Losing A Loved One

When the reckless or negligent actions of someone result in the loss of a loved one’s life, the responsible party needs to be held accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, seeking justice in a wrongful death claim while also managing your grieving process can result in the worst outcomes for both. Instead of taking on everything by yourself, let a compassionate and committed legal team stand up for your needs.

At the Trenton office of Devlin, Cittadino & Shaw, P.C., we are proud to help families throughout New Jersey seek justice after losing loved ones. We know that these cases are not about making money, but they are about ensuring that you have the resources you need to move forward in life while making it clear that the actions that caused your loss are unacceptable.

Seeking Fair Compensation For Loved Ones

There is no way to put a dollar figure on the life of someone you loved so dearly, but you can measure the cost of their absence. As your legal representation, we will act on your behalf to pursue fair and full compensation that accurately reflects the full extent of your losses, including:

  • Medical, funeral and burial costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of the deceased’s lifetime income and retirement contributions

We understand that these cases can be especially difficult for our clients, which is why we work tirelessly to take on the lion’s share of the work during them to keep our clients from reliving their losses in any way possible. While we represent you, we are also here to answer your questions, explain the details of your case and guide you through the process to resolve your case quickly without sacrificing the quality of the outcome.

Put Your Claim In Good Hands

Insurance companies and liable parties may try and convince you to accept a settlement that is actually less than you deserve for your loss, and they may also try to convince you to leave attorneys out of it to “keep things simple.” Before you make any decision about your case, meet with us to consider your options.

For a lawyer you can depend on throughout your case, call 609-557-7876 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today. We look forward to offering you the help you need.